Welcome to PatSnap Chemical
Innovation in chemistry is required in all sectors of industry, whether it be life science, or material science, or indeed many other branches of science. These innovations are the foundation of our modern society and lead the way for businesses to develop.
PatSnap Chemical is a platform that has been created using direct feedback and ideas from both leading academics and multinational companies in the chemical industry. The result is a solution that enables researchers to instantly jump from chemical structure searches to related patents and back again in one seamless workflow.
PatSnap Chemical, with over 120 million patents, 114 million chemical structures, plus regulatory and clinical trial information, allows users to capture all the most important information on a chemical of interest and the patents associated with it.
Search - locate the chemical of interest
Results - refine further the data behind your search
Chemical Information - obtain all the important data about the chemical
Analysis - put patents related to the structure into a statistical context
Chemscape - gain a strategic perspective of your chemical of interest
Patents - obtain a detailed view of any innovation
Extract - extract all chemicals from one or multiple patents
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