When you first login into PatSnap you will be taken to the home page. This looks generally similar for any combination of products that you have access to but there will be slight differences depending on the setup.
What you can see on this page is as follows:
1. Firstly, you will see the left-hand side bar, where you can navigate between the different products that you have access to. You will also see some common tools used across the different products.
2. At the top of the center of the page, you will see the search bar (this will be a patent search unless you don't have access to Analytics), links to the most visited search types and at least 3 quick guides which enable you to quickly perform common workflows in PatSnap.
3. Below this, you will see your feed, which provides you with the latest updates on your Workspaces, email alerts and news relating to your previous work.
4. At the top of the right-hand side of the page, you will see the rolling updates for each of the products you have access to and recently visited reports/dashboards.
5. Below this, you will see your recent searches, which covers searches from all the various types across the different products.
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